Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Catching Up

Dear Blog - how far behind I managed to fall in posting. And I do love posting - it's just so hard to make myself make the time. So here's some of the events I missed.

Amy and Samantha came up over Labor Day Weekend for Madison's famous Taste of Madison. I think the promise of chocolate-chip-cookie-dough-eggrolls enticed them as much as a visit with their favorite aunt and uncle. It was Sam's first visit here so it was a lot of fun to show her around the city. We enjoyed brats at State St. grille on Friday evening, and then Saturday did Taste of Madison and visited Memorial Union Terrace. That's Sam in the huge chair - we helped her climb up.

Here's Samantha and Amy in front of the state capital

I found a grape vineyard in the newspaper and Jack and I went out on a Sunday afternoon and picked concord grapes for jelly making. It's the first time Jack helped with this fun task, and it was great to have him assisting me! We made 12 jars of jelly.

Amy came back in October to attend Wicked at the Overture with me and Jack. What a great musical! Our seats were perfect and it was a fun night!

It just wouldn't be October without making Apple Jelly. Unfortunately we waited too late in the season to pick our own apples, the orchard was picked clean and they wouldn't let us go out. We bought pre-picked Fuji apples and they proved nice and juicy so we made some great jelly - again with Jack's help.

The best thing we did this year, by far, was to have a LOT of dental work done for Jack. Most of his teeth (molars) had been pulled when he was in the Army, some 40 years ago. We found a great dentist here in Madison, and Jack got 8 implants and 16 crowns, covering his remaining teeth that were badly worn down. Here's the "before" picture.

Isn't that the best looking guy with the best-loking smile you ever saw? He's a hunk!

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