Saturday, March 19, 2011

I am a Grandma!!

And yes, I have been one since December 9 - shameful that I haven't posted a photo of our beautiful Eva Noelle Van Fleet before now! Just trying to catch up the blog in a chronological order, and it was too easy to fall behind.

Anyway, isn't she just perfect?! 7 lbs, 5 oz and 20 inches long. She wasn't due till Dec. 26, but the doctors thought it was best that Melissa was induced and so, Eva was early. You can read all the details if you follow Mel's blog at The Van Fleet's.

Jack and I were blessed to be able to go out to L.A. (well,Sherman Oaks, to be specific) on January 1 and see Eva in person! Jack stayed a little less than a week, and I stayed on another week. I'm heading back for the entire month of April, so that Eva can be with family as Mommy goes back to work. Alex' mom has been out there too, in January to help out, and returned on May 15, so Mel could go back to work on the 16th.

Enough - here's the important part - pictures!

What a happy mommy Melissa is! Eva is glad to meet her, you just can't tell by her expression right now!

Alex is the proud daddy - what a great photo of both him & Eva

Eva calls me Kiki - well, she will. Once she learns how to talk. Or maybe not, they sort of make thier own decisions about that I've been told.

Poppy & Eva - I think this was taken on New Year's Day

Growing up quick! It's Eva's 2 month birthday, February 9, 2011

I just LOVE this photo! She keeps that right arm extended a lot - and is already hip enough to do a fist bump.

Pretty in Pink! She's 3 months old now! Don't you just love the faux-hawk?

3 months old on March 9, 2011

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