Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Eva growing up

I need to be writing more often. Eva is growing up so fast. I got to spend two more weeks with her the end of May, so here's a few photos of that time plus more up to date ones. The one on the left is one of my favorites (oh, so many to choose from!) and I have more "May" ones after that. We're at Taco Bell here, she's sitting up in her Bebepod - my favorite chair for her when we were out and about. I like to have her up nice and high, not snuggled into a stroller, so that everyone can see her and tell me how beutiful she is! Ha - am I shamelessly proud grandma or what?!

This is on one of our trips to Starbucks. I tried to bribe her with a coffee, but she was far more interested in the passers-by than me or any old coffee.

The first week that I was out in LA with Melissa and Eva, her daddy was at the Cannes Film Festival, he was gone for two weeks. Melissa surprised him by having Eva with her at the airport when he got home, and you can see how much Alex and Eva missed each other. Such a touching photo.

The day after Alex got home, we all headed up to Oxnard, Ca for the Strawberry Festival. It was lots of fun, good food and awesome strawberries. Mel and I made jam the next day.
And now I haven't seen Eva in person for 2 1/2 months, and rely on photos and FaceTime on the Ipad/Iphone. Fortunately I get lots of pictures - it helps.

Eight months old on August 9 - how can she be that old already? The year is flying by. We miss her like crazy, but know that we are blessed grandparents!

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