Saturday, February 8, 2014

Our Grandson!

Sad that I post so rarely now.  How can life be so busy?  Of course, I am working full-time and I don't think I could easily get Jack to take over posting here.  Besides, he's VERY busy - golfing, and working part-time at home depot.  He enjoys being retired, but after all, he's got to pay for all those golf balls some how.

We are just thrilled to have two beautiful grandchildren now.  Anson Rhys Van Fleet was born on May 15, 2013 (at least I'm posting before his first birthday). It was so great that we were able to be with them when he was born, and actually held him in the hospital on the day he was born.

He is such a delight - so happy, and active! We were last there the 3rd weekend in January (celebrating a belated Christmas) and while he's not walking yet (at 8 months!) he really, really wants to. He is crawling, he pulls himself up, and he's great at doing the plank! He smiles sooo easily, and has a great laugh.

8 months old photo

Christmas in January

Me and Anson - he's about 10 hours old here

Eva gets to met her baby brother in the hospital

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